European Car News

1962 Ferrari 250 GTO becomes world's most expensive car

1962 Ferrari 250 GTO becomes world’s most expensive car

A 1962 Ferrari GTO has been sold for US$ 35 million, or about Dhs 128,555,000, making it the most expensive automobile on the planet. The figure beats the previous record of US$ 32 million billed for a 1964 Ferrari 250 GTO back in February and the estimated US $34 million price tag on the 1936 Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic, back in 2010.

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Video of the week: Mini parallel-parking record broken

Video of the week: Mini parallel-parking record broken

While some pro drivers get all the fanfare, it seems there is no shortage of good drivers around the world who can do the impossible. Chinese driver Han Yue has officially broken the record for parallel-parking in the tightest space. Han managed to shave off 7 cm from the record, drifting into a space of just 15 cm longer than his vehicle during an attempt at the May launch in Beijing of a new special edition of the Mini called The Chinese Job. The record has changed hands five times in the past two years, with Patrik Folco holding the previous record of a gap 22 cm longer than the car in April.

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