You can soon book parking spaces in Sharjah with phone

You can soon book parking spaces in Sharjah with phone

Sharjah Municipality will soon implement a parking management system which will offer parking spots that could be booked through mobile phones.

The project will initially kick off as a three-month pilot programme before being widely rolled out across parking lots in Sharjah.

This parking solution was created in collaboration with a company called EVOTEQ.

“Sharjah Smart Parking” will allow residents to find and reserve spaces in certain parking lots through their phones. They will be classified as “VIP” spaces. The project will also be introducing “Priority Parking” for urgent parking in Sharjah. Payment for “Priority Parking” will be set to encourage drivers to use these spaces “responsibly and only in relevant cases.”

Prices have not been announced yet.

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  1. Its a good idea but the municipal city should to increase parking lots. After book the space what happens and how is the reservation done so that customer will be able to identify that the space is booked in advance.

  2. Right measure!! Bravo!

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