Chevrolet offers 1-hour service in the UAE and GCC

Chevrolet offers 1-hour service in the UAE and GCC

As part of Chevrolet’s Complete Care programme, UAE and other GCC dealers for the brand are now offering 1-hour minor and intermediate servicing.

While the concept of minor service under an hour isn’t new (Toyota used to do an appointment-based 45-minute minor service in 2010 for a time), Chevrolet claims that they can also do the car wash in 15 additional minutes as well. Experience tells us the car wash could take an hour at other dealerships. In addition, you will always be able to find the full cost of any scheduled maintenance or menu-priced parts on their website, instead of offering different prices for different people depending on how much you negotiate, as with many other service centres.

We were given a walkthrough of the process at the Liberty dealership branch in Sharjah. A dedicated service advisor will explain in detail all the work that your vehicle will need to undergo. The service maintenance includes checking all fluid levels, air and oil filters, tyre pressure and visual inspection for wear and damage, suspensions, brake system including parking brake, exhaust system, throttle system, battery and terminals, wiper blades, operation of head lights, tail lamps, brake lights, radio antenna, door locks and hinges. If additional problems are found, the car can be booked for repairs at a later date. A test-drive is conducted in the end, and a car wash is optional if you have time.

The catch is you have to adhere to the appointment schedule rather than just walk in. A service can be booked within two days over the phone. We don’t own a Chevrolet, so we can’t do a real-life test of the service, but based on the tour we were given, it seems like more dealerships should be making it as simple as this. Aside from Toyota, every other brand we deal with requires our cars to be kept from morning till evening, or even overnight. And some require the booking to be done weeks in advance. That is ridiculous for people who have 9-to-5 jobs and own only one car.

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  1. Not just Toyota, even Trading Enterprises offers minor services in an hour for Jeeps/Dodges.

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