Dubai RTA launching new system to transfer car ownership without being present

Dubai RTA launching new system to transfer car ownership without being present

The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) will launch a new electronic service this month called “The Personal Appearance Service”, where customers can register their personal details at customer service centre. By doing so, an SMS with a PIN is sent to the registered users. This enables the customer to send someone else on his or her behalf to process various transactions related to vehicles licensing.

Mohammed Abdul Karim Nimaat, Director of Vehicles Licensing, RTA Licensing Agency, said: “The new service is considered the first of its kind across the region enabling the processing of business processes and transactions in a smooth manner without obliging the concerned individual to attend in person. This process will be applied after completing registration of customers details in full at the centers, and sending an SMS to the concerned customer conveying a PIN through which the customer can delegate anyone deemed appropriate to process his or her transaction. Then the used PIN will be abolished and a new PIN will be issued for another transaction in order to ensure higher degree of security. Transactions relate to all matters of relevance to vehicle licensing such as vehicle registration, vehicle export, vehicle transfer, vehicle transport, and selling vehicle number plates among others.”

“The one-time attendance service at service centers has other benefits including exempting the concerned customers from going through the previous procedure i.e. the preparation of a Power of Attorney from the Notary Public authorizing another person to undertake the tasks and perform various transactions.”

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  1. When was the above picture taken? It looks like an old picture especially with that Mazda 323 station wagon and that chinese car (forgot the name is it saba ? – marketed by belhasa motors ) in view.

  2. These old cars remind us of the olden days of UAE when there were hardly any cars in the city and Al Ittihad Road used to be a two lane high way. I still remember our first car in 1995 which was a Mazda 626 1987, still have fond memories of it!

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