Dubai Police test cameras to catch tailgaters

Dubai Police test cameras to catch tailgaters

Police recently completed testing on one of the cameras to catch tailgaters on Hessa Street. According to officials, it is six times more effective than a standard radar.

Brigadier Saif Muhair Al Mazroui, deputy director of Dubai Traffic Police, said no fines were issued during testing but according to the photos taken by the radar, he believes it is necessary to implement it. About 50 more of the black and grey radar towers, which has this technology, will be fitted this year, with another 100 to be installed next year.

The ‘supercam’ radar has eight lenses in them, and can distinguish between small and large vehicles, as well as taxis or other vehicles which are assigned a specific speed limit for different roads. The information in radars is stored for 14 months.

According to statistics, 22 deaths and 426 injuries were recorded last year, in 532 traffic accidents related to tailgating.

What do you think?



  1. how many traffic cameras are there in total currently in dubai?

  2. In Oman, we have thousands of these 😀

    • The ones in Oman are the same model but with lesser lenses. Apart from that, many of them are dummy cams…ROP(Royal Omani Police) is more out there on the streets

    • Indeed, we had several of these here already, but with only basic speed-radar capabilities.

  3. good these trouble makers need to be controlled

  4. What is the allowed distance?

  5. where do these high-speed radars come from(place where its made)?

  6. Dubai is much safer when compared to Saudi Arabia.

  7. There should be a fine on drivers in the fast lane going slow affecting the entire traffic flow.

    I recently drove to Saudia and apart from all the wilderness liked it that Fast Lanes are treated as fast lanes.

  8. What is the excess to the speed limit in Oman? Is 15km/h right?

  9. we know the old trick
    its called


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