Dubai police announces Ferrari FF police car

Dubai police announces Ferrari FF police car

Dubai Police Ferrari FF 2
This is the latest photo by Dubai Police doing the rounds of the internet. They’ve now announced that a Ferrari FF police car is joining their fleet.

The car in the picture is obviously photoshopped, but it shows how the actual car should look once the real deal hits the streets of Dubai.

What do you think?



  1. Dubai police can make part 7 of the Fast and Furious series themselves! They have the funds and they definitely have the ‘Rides’!!

  2. love the cars but color schems ……. honestly one of the lest branded things in dubai come one bring some Cali love here with black and white atleast for these or some sky blue like the Italians 🙂

  3. it wasn’t photoshopped..


    • Author

      These images are photoshopped from auto show images taken from . The real car is coming soon.

  4. i’m never robbing a bank ever

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