Top 10 most researched car brands in the GCC

Top 10 most researched car brands in the GCC

Self-praising aside, is certifiably the most comprehensive and most popular consumer-focused automotive website in the GCC. That gives us a good insight on what cars people are researching these days. Mind you, researching and buying are two completely different things, but we can figure out from our data which car brands and models are generating the most buzz among the general car-buying population. It is easy to see the concerted marketing effort by certain manufacturers are paying dividends, while some are banking on their long-running earned reputation, and others are doing well purely because of good new products. Here are the top 10 brands that are being researched on our website this Ramadan of 2012.

  1. Toyota
    The King Kong of the car world. There’s no point chasing the Number One spot while this Japanese behemoth is still around.
  2. Nissan
    Always playing second-fiddle, but they are probably the most versatile Japanese brand today, building everything from economy cars to supercars.
  3. Hyundai
    It’s amazing how this Korean bit-player has become one of the most popular carmakers in the world in the space of a few years. A testament that good products can triumph good marketing.
  4. Ford
    Once a niche player in this region, this American brand is increasingly appearing on more shopping lists thanks to compelling products and the promise of over-the-top gadgetry at affordable prices.
  5. Chevrolet
    A proper case-study on how to capture a huge amount of attention with an insane amount of marketing and a shameless amount of product-placements in everything from sci-fi movies to local game-shows.
  6. Kia
    It is interesting how distinct this Korean carmaker’s products, considering they are just reskinned versions of their parent-company’s products are. Proof that mass-market cars do not have to look boring.
  7. Honda
    Once gunning for the top of this list, this Japanese carmaker isn’t as popular as it used to be, due to a combination of various factors, ranging from high local prices to stronger competition.
  8. Volkswagen
    Another niche player that is rising fast on the charts, offering increasingly affordable products that aim for the heart of the largest segments that are traditionally dominated by the Japanese.
  9. BMW
    As the only luxury brand on this list, it is clear that when this German carmaker brags about being the top premium brand in this region, they aren’t lying.
  10. Mitsubishi
    It will always amaze us how a brand manages to do well here on the backs of just two main products, namely a midsize SUV and a compact fleet car, both still honest-to-goodness Japanese-built models.

What do you think?



  1. Kia Sportage is no. 2 on Drivearabia’s homepage. corolla is still no. 1.(wondering why people still research on a corolla?)

  2. Honda shouldn’t have been on the list after what they did to the new CIVIC!

  3. Love the title picture, very different for DriveArabia.

  4. Proof that DriveArabia really rocks! Keep up the awesome work Mash n team

  5. Drivearabia’s efforts really go noticed by the accurate information they provide.. Thumbs up!!….

  6. Surprising to see Honda falling so low and Chevrolet sitting up high on the list

  7. Renolt Duster is the Cheap& best cars in UAE

    but every body blindly goes behind toyota,nissan etc

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