Video of the week: Honda CR-V racetrack crash

Video of the week: Honda CR-V racetrack crash

The Nurburgring racetrack in Germany may be overhyped, but anyone can actually pay the minimal entry fee and drive on that track, apparently with any kind of car. Someone thought it was a good idea to take their old Honda CR-V to drive on the legendary piece of tarmac. But he does more than just cruise casually.

What do you think?



  1. Oops…..

  2. Hes a slouch.. look at all that rubbish that falls off from his car.

  3. rubbish car, rubbish driver. messed up the day for other petrolheads i bet.

  4. Come on fellas… looks like he just finished shopping for groceries, thought it was a good idea to jump on the track on the way home.

  5. Actually it is not a track, but a public road where you pay a toll to drive on it 🙂

  6. This vehicle is not built for race..

  7. Sheeesh….GERMANs

  8. noobs on the nooburgring

  9. I would like CR-V Car so much because it make my bright life.

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