Yellow Hat offers efficient car wash in UAE

Yellow Hat offers efficient car wash in UAE

Motor accessories superstore Yellow Hat is saving up to three million gallons of fresh water every year by recycling its car wash usage. The company treats and reuses about 70 per cent of car wash water.

This is particularly important in the UAE and the Gulf region where water resources are particularly scarce. In Dubai alone, average water usage per person amounts to 100 to 110 gallons each day compared to the global average of 41 gallons per day per person according to some researches.

Surprisingly or unsurprisingly, the UAE’s carbon footprint is the largest in the world on a per-capita basis, according to the World Wildlife Foundations. The USA runs second. Kuwait ranked fifth in the WWF report, behind Finland and Canada.

With advanced purification, high speed filtration and separation, and the use of reverse osmosis treatment, Yellow Hat is able to clean vehicles more effectively as it can apply up to three times the volume of conventional car washes.

All cleaning solutions are tested and certified safe for employees and the environment, being 100% bio-degradable. Unlike many so-called bio-degradable detergents which degrade slowly, Yellow Hat formulations apparently respond very quickly.

Car wash systems are also energy efficient, using sophisticated computerised controls with outputs adjustable to tiny fractions of an inch. Yellow Hat lays claim to pioneering the use in the car wash industry of variable frequency drives on electric motors to maximise energy conservation and reduce demand on the power grid, and their car wash sessions are “timed to the second.”

What do you think?



  1. and how much would it cost for a single wash???

  2. very important step taken by yellowhat. totally support them on this.

  3. about 200 dirhams only not more haha. No need for yellow or red hat we can manage washing our cars on normal petrol stations and also no need to save water because most of the UAE land is water haha

  4. I didnt get the last bit. UAE land is water?

  5. Yeh but thats not usable water..And you dont find it in abudance as far as i know. Only patches of it..

  6. People whats wrong with Mash, have’nt heard(posted)from for the past week or so.Any idea??

  7. We need Car Washer send me ur Resume @===> VISA PROVIDED.

  8. Dear Sir,
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  9. This is an old post and heck that s2000 got totaled on the autodrome track…

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