Limited edition Land Rover SVX announced
Land Rover is now 60 years old. To celebrate, the Ford-owned company is offering a limited edition version of the Defender in special SVX trim. But they are limited to British and Australian markets apparently.
The three-door Defender 90 SVX models, limited to 200, will be sold in Britain only, while the five-door Defender 110 SVX wagon models will be sold in Australia only. Mechanically unchanged, but both feature chrome add-ons, rims, stickers and a new face. Other countries might slowly get these models sooner or later.
from the side, it looks like mercedes G glass
what is SVX??
hey thatsit(mohamad), the buyer guides show arion and accord v6 are faster in acc than your dream car altima v6.
so i hate to tell you that i would prefer to buy accord than altima.
Bashar Dahdah
“But they are limited to British and Australian markets apparently.” Reading this part just made me stop reading the rest of it 😛 But nice car nevertheless.
الÙتك وبس. والباقي خس
😆 😆 😆 really, just tell me whats wrng with you girl, if you think that aurion and accord are faster than the altima. then ignore this car. and nissan is not my fathers company. if you will not buy altima am not gona cry for you, there are too many people prefer this car over the others, now in our parking area there are about 5 new altimas. and that does not make me rich or poor. if you dont like it just dont talk about it.
and hamad am with you, nothing is better than the vtec. loooooooool and my dream car is to buy a porsche cayenne turbo to F**k all of these cars
and for your info, these are the timings for the old one not the new one so just wait till mash do the test drive(he did for the camry the accord but he didnot do for the altima. just wait alittle bit), if mash was able to find an altima for atest drive, because he will not 😆 😆 😆 if he want i can give him ours
those are such copycats!!!
first it looks exactly like G-class, and also it is a convertible 4wd,, and guess who made that up first!!!
i wouldnt buy this car for more than 70 000
and assassin, i dont need your info to tell me which one is faster. or(am sorry for that mash)i dont need mash to tell me which one is faster, just look at this commercial(i dont think they are going to lie
) i hope you will understand it 😆 😆
may be this is better
while i was looking for the above videos some thing bring my attention:
some sexy videos for modified altimas. i hope if i can do this for our new altima. i’ll leave you with the videos:
with hydrulic systems(air suspension)
you crazy fool, Ùتك means nissan patrol vtc
you still dont get it, honda accord got wider tyres than altima, stability control system and traction control system,
and thatsit(mohamad), i know why you are in love with altima, because you are kid, you enjoy shifting tiptronic gear just like playstation games.
and next time, please dont compare Lumina ss with altima, that sucks.
lumina ss is faster than E55 AMG in the highway. also the dealer here can fixed lumina with supecharge, race headers, exhaust and raceing air filter to kick your GT-R ass, and these fixing will not effect to the 5 years deler’s warranty, and buying ss whith all of these racing kits will cost as much as 2008 G35, but with same power of GT-R 2009 multiplied by 2
hamad, i knew the meanining of vtec (it means nissan patrol). i have many local friends and i read many saudi forums.
).and what you meant by highway. and you are really stupid. i dont need your comments in the stealth GTR. even you cant compare a normal car with a supercar. that shows how stupid you are. and as i know that if you want to improve that cars from the dealer you will sell your mother to afford it:lol: and to show you that you dont know any thing about nissan cars. the gtr comes wth all what you said except the turbo instead of supercharge(and for you info the efficiency of the turbo is higher than the supercharge,and the supercharge is worst for the engine more than the turbo).
really whats wrong with you girl. you start spitting shit in huge amount.
your problem is with the tires, go and upgrade the tires why you are sad. and the second thing am not a kid. am an engineer who is trying to let a stupid girl under stand the meaning of cars. and the worst problem is that you are a girl. although i doubt that. and your comment on the tiptronic shows that you are jelous because you cant see that in the other cars(camry and honda). but you are write about one thing, i like playstation although i dint have it. and who told you that lumina is faster the E55 (where are your sources
and if you want to say that you can get more power with low prices. tell me wht are the power of the gtrs here in the country and how much did they cost their owners. so shutup and dont talk about japanese cars. american cars are the worst 😈
walla haram. altima 3.5L beats lumina SS 😈 5.7L. this shows how stupid they are. 😆
so, what is your neckname thatsit(mohamad) and in which arabic web you are going to?
just tell me to tease you more in other websites.
and im sure that most of arabic webs agree with my opinions abot cars
my name is assassin’s teacher 😆 😆
and you are wrong
visit those web sites and you will see: you know it
and you will see
i relly need your nick name in and
my nick name in nissan is wald alrass
in toyota mmmmmmmmmm(oh, i forgot, i hate toyota 😉 )
ohh, you are so silly 😉 do you know that
and i hate these two webs, because every things are flashing, moving coloured. drivearabia web is the best
and what about these safty systems stability control system and traction control system. that you cant see it altima.
you dont want to see those button, you assumed already 😉
there are two buttons in the 3.5 one is VDC(veichle dynamics control). and of course TCS (traction control system). and both are available in the altima(even the old one
and why is that, armada is cheaper than patrol, altough armada got bigger engine, larger body, more options than patrol
and if the dealer are selling sunny more expensive than altima, i will be not seprised.
they are not copycats. mercedes g copied defender. defender is older. mercedes is the copy cat. and they admit it. check ur car history man.
Arab Dragonz
You two are crazy ( assassin & tgtsit(mohamad)
Let these there cars with my car (subaru legacy) and we well see hows car better